crisis – "the decisive moment (as in a literary plot); an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending; esp. one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome; a situation that has reached a critical phase."1
krisis – Greek word for 'judgment,' esp. the act of judging. That can mean 'deciding,' but its usual meaning in the New Testament is pronouncing a sentence upon the guilty. Krisis is the word most often used in the New Testament for God's 'judgment.'
Steven J. Keillor has a Ph.D in American History from the University of Minnesota. He is adjunct assistant professor of history at Bethel University, St. Paul MN. He has written This Rebellious House: American History and the Truth of Christianity (1996) and God's Judgments: Interpreting History and the Christian Faith (2007), and several books in state and regional history. He writes in a log cabin in northern Minnesota.