Ph.D. (1993) — American History
M.A. and B.A. — History
Degrees from — University of Minnesota
Assistant Professor — Iowa State University (1995-96)
Adjunct Professor — Minnesota State University – Mankato
Bethel University, Northwestern College
Instructor — Normandale Community College
God’s Judgments: Interpreting History and the Christian Faith (IVP, 2007)
Grand Excursion: Antebellum America Discovers the Upper Mississippi (Afton Historical Society Press, 2004)
Erik Ramstad and the Empire Builder (North American Heritage Press, 2002)
[ed.] No More Gallant a Deed: A Civil War Memoir of the First Minnesota Volunteers (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2001)
Cooperative Commonwealth: Minnesota’s Rural Co-ops, 1859-1939 (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2000)
This Rebellious House: American History & the Truth of Christianity (InterVarsity Press [IVP], 1996)
Prisoners of Hope: Sundry Sunday Essays (Regent College, 1996)
Norwegian Yankee: Knute Nelson and the Failure of American Politics, 1860 - 1923 (Norwegian-American Historical Association., 1995) [with Millard Gieske]
Hjalmar Petersen of Minnesota: The Politics of Provincial Independence (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1987)
“Premodern, Modern, Postmodern: A History of Ideas and a Case Study of Christianity and Secularization at One State University, 1869-1984” (a longitudinal study on secularization and the long-term consequences for the university of excluding testimony as a valid means to knowledge; the manuscript was completed June 2006 and is being submitted to publishers)
Pew Evangelical Scholars’ Program Fellow - 1999-2000
Distinguished Independent Study Course Award, NUCEA, 1997
Board of Publications, Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1996-99
Fellow at MacLaurin Institute, 1998-Present
Anderson Center Writer’s Residency - August 1998
American Scandinavian Foundation Fellow - 1989