Speech Outlines
“The Christian Faith is a Testimony of Judgment and Salvation”
Click on a bullet point to expand the sub-points
- Intro. – Testimony as key New Testament concept now somewhat forgotten
The Hebrew word for judgment can mean a long “sifting-out” process
- The Christian Faith is not a Philosophical Worldview
- it does not start with the self’s need for knowledge per se
- not illogical, it still does not proceed by deduction or induction or logic
- the NT does not give the all-encompassing perspective one would expect of a worldview – e.g., it does not specify an ideal politics or economics
- key NT doctrines like judgment and substitutionary atonement may not be ones we can “prove” based on logic or philosophy – not self-evident
- Characteristics of Testimony
- gives us knowledge of things not obvious, not easily obtained on our own
- often, this is knowledge of very serious matters – the courtroom example
- the personal character of the testifier is of utmost importance and testifiers may suffer negative personal consequences if they give false testimony
- the hearer is forced to believe or disbelieve testimony – as with a jury – so that it is more than mere “information”
- an element of conflict is unavoidably present – the prosecution witnesses’ testimony often does conflict with that of the defense witnesses
- Christianity as Testimony of Judgment
- Paul’s Mars Hill talk – ends with a warning of judgment (Acts 17:30-31)
- Jesus’ frequent warnings of judgment – see Luke 12 and 13
- Incidents of Judgment – see Herod’s death in Acts 12:19-23
- The Testimony of Salvation Through Faith in Christ
- judgment and salvation two sides of one coin of God’s action in history
- substitutionary atonement depends upon a divine judgment that the substitute can take upon Himself
- Christ’s life, death, resurrection cannot be rightly interpreted apart from the idea that He represents salvation from judgment
- The Son of Man as the Meaning of History
- descent, ascent, & return the meaning of a history of salvation & judgment
- thus, the exclusive nature of His truth claims and His offer of salvation
- Implications of this Concept of Testimony for Apologetics
- apologetics cannot accept that “God is in the dock” (C.S. Lewis) when the reality is that the human individual is “in the dock”
- other erroneous models: marketing model, a rhetoric model that flatters to persuade, a political model that exaggerates NT into a worldview
- basic principle, as in the Hippocratic Oath, is “first, do no harm”
- Implications of this Concept of Testimony for Christian Political Activism
- we must keep in mind more than consistency to a political worldview
- in fact, God is always sifting-out and judging our politics
- this does not mean quietism and retreat to the private sphere – nor a misplaced confidence that right political ends justify the means
- we act, but knowing that God is judging and acting in a sovereign way
- Conclusion
“Excluding Testimony from the University: Consequences & Cures”
- Introduction
- Recent Work on Testimony: a. Rick Kennedy, A History of Reasonableness: Testimony and Authority in the Art of Thinking (2004); b) C. A. J. Coady, Testimony: A Philosophical Study (1993); c) Jennifer Lackey, ed., The Epistemology of Testimony (2006)
- my work on testimony for IVP book and for my case study of a university
- Sketch of the History of the Exclusion of Testimony
- testimony in ancient Greek thought
- Christian apologists move away from testimony
- church-college tradition stresses philosophy, not testimony
- post-Civil-War German-university model stresses science more than philosophy
- Julie Reuben on scientism’s epistemological filter that excludes testimony
- science’s reductionism and naturalism spread throughout the university
- Consequences of Excluding Testimony
- of course, much knowledge can be attained without it – from science, etc.
- discipline of history depends upon it – and becomes a model of using testimony
- humanity is in history, in a stream of unpredictable, unique events – sui generis
- testimony provides the wisdom needed for navigating that stream
- the 1960s crisis of the university as an example of what happens without testimony
- Consequences of Doing Christian Apologetics Without a Stress on Testimony
- apologetics adapts to the Zeitgeist and to the presuppositions of the current age
- long term, that undermines the Church – Os Guinness’ Gravedigger phenomenon
- Suggestions for How Testimony can Aid the University
- give helpful humility – much that we need to know cannot be known through science
- points to our vulnerability in history’s stream of events
- avoids the impersonal nature of scientific inquiry that tends to undercut ethical rules
- prevalence of cheating on research results in today’s university
- the testifier held accountable for testimony, with an ethic of truthfulness
- essayist/poet Wendell Berry’s book Standing by Words
- Suggestions for How Testimony Can Aid Christian Witness at the University
- to use the concept of testimony is to use the New Testament’s own concept
see, e.g., John 3:31-36, John 5:31-47, 2 Peter 1:16-21, and 1 John 5:9-12
- thus, this concept is good for “defense” as well as “offense” – it does not give up Scriptural ground in order to conduct the offense against unbelief
- it forces us to be people of integrity rather than focusing on marketing, etc.
- it integrates faith and learning, in that the model works for both activities
- Conclusion: the Christian Scholar as Testifier – a moral example for the university
- we live in a corrupt speech environment – various models of speech, whether the marketing model, the political-speech model, the literary model, or parts of the academic model have dropped ideas of accountability, truthfulness, sacrifice for the cause of truth-telling, etc.
- by returning to a New Testament model while retaining many technical features of the academic model (cite your sources, etc.), the Christian scholar can help the University recover the idea of truthful, accountable speech